EU Projects — Foundation for Environmental Education

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EU Projects

BioBeo is a 2-year project with 15 partners with the aim to develop and deploy an education programme to enhance engagement across society regarding lifestyle, circularity and bioeconomy, using five bioeconomy themes: Outdoor Learning, Forestry, Life Below Water, The Food Loop, and Interconnectedness.

BioBeo aims to introduce new thinking and approaches to circular economy education across Europe. While strategically overcoming the institutional and cultural barriers to implement relevant circular bioeconomy education programs in preschool, primary, and secondary schools, BioBeo aims to define and deliver novel curricula to enhance young people’s and citizens‘ involvement in policy-making for bioeconomy.

FEE will be contributing to the co-creation of bioeconomy educational materials and assist with the dissemination of the project outcomes and resources across our global network of educators and practitioners. Two of FEE’s member organisations, An Taisce – The National Trust of Ireland (Ireland) and BOS+ Vlaanderen (Belgium), are also part of the project’s consortium of partners.

PLAN’EAT is a 4-year project started in September 2022, with 24 partners from 11 EU countries, which aims to transform food systems and food environments towards healthy and sustainable dietary behaviour.

PLAN’EAT’s objectives are to:

  • Better understand the underlying factors and drivers influencing dietary behaviour,

  • Measure, compare and ‘monetize’ the environmental, social and health impacts of 3 dominant European dietary patterns through True Cost Accounting (TCA),

  • Co-design effective recommendations, tools and interventions to effectively reverse trends in dietary behaviour.

The project will implement a systemic and co-creation approach at macro (food system), meso (food environment) and micro (individual) levels. Various socio-cultural and geographic contexts will be considered by implementing 9 Living Labs (LLs), 5 pan-European food value chain Consultation and Working Groups (CWGs) and 1 Policy Lab in Brussels.

FEE’s main responsibility is to design and test within LLs, a capacity building toolbox and educational interventions for schools based on dietary guidelines developed, targeting students <30 years old.

As the leader of the CWG restaurants, FEE is selecting a range of restaurants through FEE’s Green Key network and the LLs. And will then gather the needs and current local/national/EU initiatives implemented by restaurants, assess their barriers and enablers in shaping better food environments, and collect their ideas of solutions to improve food environments.