Lesson Plan Competition
This year, we invite educators to create innovative lesson plans that inspire action on climate change. Your contributions can play a vital role in educating the next generation about this critical global issue.
Learning Outcomes
For guidance on expected learning outcomes for different age groups, please refer to the GEP Greening Curriculum Guidance and the FEE GAIA curriculum framework
Application now Open!
Check the details below for Participation Guidelines, Submission Process and Key Deadlines.
Promotion: National Organizations (NOs) are encouraged to promote the competition and share resources available on our dedicated website, including:
GEP Green Curriculum Guidance
FEE GAIA Climate Change Curriculum Framework
By the national submission deadline, teachers may submit lesson plans to their respective National Operator depending on each Educational Programme: Eco-Schools, Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) , Learning about Ecosystems and Forests.
Each National Operator will shortlist a maximum of 5 lesson plans per program (up to 15 per country).
Shortlisted lesson plans will be uploaded by National Operatorto a designated app on Podio for review.
The FEE Head Office will collect and shortlist lesson plans from the three programs. A jury of 3-4 members, including board members and FEE staff, will assess the shortlisted plans.
FEE will present awards for the top 4 lesson plans that best address the theme of climate change.
1st prize: 300 Euros and a global certificate
2nd prize: 200 Euros and a global certificate
3rd prize: 100 Euros and a global certificate
4th prize: 100 Euros and a global certificate
Competition Launch: Saturday 5th October, 2024
National Operator Submission Deadline: Friday 28th March, 2025
International Submission Deadline to FEE Head Office: Friday 18th April, 2025
Shortlisting Period: 22nd April – 20th May, 2025
Winners Notification: Tuesday 3rd June, 2025
Additional information
For different age groups, please refer to the following information:
For a lesson plan template, please refer to the following document:
Lesson Plan Template (PDF) (Word Document)